Lobster's notes, 3 August 2009

Aug 03, 2009 23:00

NOTE: This material only exists, ICly, in The Lobster's mind. They are reproduced here for my reference and others' OOC entertainment.

Event: Seven Deadly Sins

Person: meaculpable
[ ref]

* Has taken extreme displeasure at the activities of the demon within darkprophecies.
* I'm just going to leave him to it.

Person: swornprotector (formerly #6856445)
[ ref]

* Extraordinarily angry at quinnade.
* Obviously very close to nyc_detective, to be this angry on her behalf.
* He and darkdestine are not human, but are instead "Gargoyles." Like the statues, presumably. Just what they are -- magical creations, race of fae, etc. -- remains uncertain as yet.

Person: quinnade

* Attacked nyc_detective, badly enough to put her in the hospital.
* Claims to have done it for killerjoke.
* Does not seem to understand why anyone would be upset about that.
* Her past association with The Joker makes even more sense now: She, too, is quite insane.

Person: darkdestine

* Goliath thought she might've hired Quinzel to attack Detective Maza. She denies any involvement.
* She does not, however, deny his claims that she's been killing humans for a thousand years.
* She claims it's been to stop humanity's genocide of her and Goliath's kind, but Goliath's attitude suggests that that is either a fabrication or at least an exaggeration of any troubles they've had with humans.
* Gargoyle.
* When she first arrived, however, she appeared human. The transformative factor of the Porter? Some sort of shape-shifting power? Both? Unknown.

[c&c][p] elisa maza, [c&c][ooc] lobster's notes, [c&c][p] lucifer, [c&c][p] the joker, [c&c][p] harleen quinzel, [c&c][p] demona, [c&c][p] goliath, [c&c][p] raven, [c&c][e] seven deadly sins

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