Lobster's Notes, 2 August 2009

Aug 02, 2009 15:27

NOTE: This material only exists, ICly, in The Lobster's mind. They are reproduced here for my reference and others' OOC entertainment.

Person: reactionary
[ ref]

* Expressed concerns about apathy within the "hero" populace.
* Has noticed that heroes don't seem to notice when criminals turn up dead.
* Defines "undesirables" as murderers and rapists. Can't say that I disagree.
* We've had a discussion about the nature of Justice.
* I explained how Nazis fit into my own definition of the worst kinds of criminal.
* He knows who I am now.
* He doesn't trust yippiekiyay. Didn't elaborate on whether it was just because he was police, or if he had some specific issue with him.

Person: catmasked

* Says that California got taken over by something called "The HIVE."
* Explained to me the history darkprophecies's demon half has had in the City.
* Now knows my name.
* Explained that the City has a couple of homunculi named after/representing sins, but they've been around before this started.

Person: thatsafinecoat

* Says he doesn't like those Rorschach called "undesirable." Speaks well to what I'd thought his story might possibly be.

Event: Seven Deadly Sins

* This must be what meaculpable was talking about, what he, I, and others had sensed.
* Caused by darkprophecies's demon half.
* All of those possessed acquired an additional pair of eyes. Presumably, that's something that comes from Raven's father, Trigon.
* They then gain control over the sin they represent.
* All of them are people Raven is close to in some manner.
* "Born" in the order (after Pride herself) of Envy, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, Lust, and Wrath.

Person: darkprophecies
[ ref]

* Her own demon represents Pride, the "original sin."
* Considers the other Sins her "family."
* The widespread demonstrations were some sort of an attempt at teaching a lesson about morality and being unable to control oneself. That's the demon's excuse, anyway.

Person: heeerrreesharry
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* Demonically possessed to channel the sin of Wrath.
* Set off a riot in Times Square.
* I did what I could to quell as much of it as possible, with tear gas and my fists. That was... difficult, to deal with so many without using lethal force, but it was obvious that the people were being driven to it by means beyond their control.
* I did, however, get the opportunity to kill Anthony Carbone, after he took a shot at me.

Person: shiromadoushi

* Went to Times Square to try helping people who were rioting.
* This was not a very good idea, as he quickly got overwhelmed.
* Fortunately, he had some sort of shielding ability that kept him safe enough until I could get him out.
* Passed out after he saw me "killed" by Carbone and my subsequent Justice upon him.
* I carried him a few blocks away from the rioting, and once he woke up, he said he could call a friend and would be all right.

Person: enigmaestro
[ ref]

* Possessed by the sin of Greed.
* Started lootings and robberies in uptown Manhattan.
* His nanites are currently neutralized.

Person: fluidshape

* One of the homunculi Selina mentioned.
* Does not have the power to incite Envy in others.
* Very prone to violence.
* Doesn't take this situation well.
* 400 years old.

Person: 123youreit

* Possessed by Gluttony.

Person: iron_liver

* Possessed by Lust.
* Causing an orgy in Central Park.
* May also have a more advanced version of the nanites he dosed Nygma with? Or something not quite like them at all. It's unclear, as the conversation between Nygma and Delirium was largely metaphorical.

Person: watsthename

* Could tell the people representing Sins have an extra voice in their heads.
* She can apparently also detect nanites in a person as "buggies."

Person: yippiekiyay
[ ref]

* Calls out for information on what's going on about the Sins.
* I updated him on the situation in Times Square, and killing Carbone.

Person: spiritusimmunde

* Offers advice on protection from people possessed by demons.
* Accepted an offer to join the police force.

Person: easytochop (formerly #18469828)

* Another homunculus named after a sin.
* Isn't happy about this situation, either.

Person: leadtraveler

* Possessed by Sloth.
* Used his power to make everyone influenced by the others' powers lethargic for a time, before they were fully released.

Person: of_animalia

* Possessed by Envy.

[c&c][p] harry osborn, [c&c][p] bobby pendragon, [c&c][p] robin iii, [c&c][p] lust, [c&c][p] sam winchester, [c&c][p] edward nygma, [c&c][p] lucifer, [c&c][p] envy, [c&c][e] seven deadly sins, [c&c][p] raven, [c&c][p] delirium, [c&c][p] gar logan, [c&c][p] tony stark, [c&c][ooc] lobster's notes, [c&c][p] rorschach, [c&c][p] catwoman, [c&c][p] bakura ryou, [c&c][p] marv, [c&c][p] john mcclane

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