
Sep 16, 2015 21:19

Last Monday I had another biopsy and smear test done. It hurt like hell, made me feel faint again. The results are due in 6 weeks.

I don't know what it is but my boss is really starting to piss me off lately, and today I started snapping back at him. Not snapping, but making comments back. He sat there and asked me to do something because he was "busy" then he turns around and starts a conversation about his fucking holiday to someone! It just little things like that every day, he's asking me to do tiny little things, like send an email to someone to ask them something. Um, hello? The time you took to tell me what to write and who to send it to, you could've done it yourself!

This afternoon, I had to do some urgent orders, and he had to sign some I had done yesterday. He couldn't find the email that had the information regarding the orders he needed to sign, so asked me to send it. I told him I would in a minute, because I was doing orders. He asked me again a few minutes later, and I said to him to not sign those orders, sign the others I had done, because they were needed earlier. And he faked shock and said something like "it's all attitude coming from this side of the room today" and laughed.

I think that's what annoys me. He is always jovial and makes light of any situation. When I first started I thought it was great because he'd never be really angry and I wouldn't be in "trouble" but now ... It's like he doesn't have a backbone. He just can't make a decision and say yes or no. He acts all nice and just ugh. Even when he says something a little off, he says it sarcastically and with a laugh.

Anyway, when he said that I'd just had enough and said "well at least one of us organised" and sent him the email he needed.

Oh and then, we both got sent an email from accounts over an invoice query on one of our orders. He was like "do you know what that's about?" And I said "no not without looking" and he goes "can you look into that?" I was like yeah whatever, I look at all invoice queries because he bloody doesn't. Anyway, it transpired that the warehouse had received more cartons of shoes on this order than what we requested. A lot of little things have been going slightly wrong in the warehouse lately, and I'd had enough. So I fired off an email to the warehouse staff asking wtf was going on, but in a nice way obviously. I sent an email to accounts telling them I needed to investigate further and to leave it with me. So about ten minutes later he made a comment about that email saying "have you not sorted that out yet?" And I sort of snapped again and just said "don't even go there" .

Another two reasons I'm a bit miffed this week is 1) I started my period 2) The Guy Who Used To Be At Work emailed me via LinkedIn out the blue. It really pissed me off. The subject was Hello Stranger and he wrote something along the lines of "hello you. How're you doing?" At first, I was just so pissed off. He keeps popping up on some sort of social media then disappearing. It weird he messaged via LinkedIn though. Why not Facebook? Anyway...at first I was just going to ignore him, but after cooling down I've decided to be civil and nice. I'm not going to hold onto some petty feeling of slight resentment. I'm going to be the "bigger person" and be mature about it. Life's too short, right? If he tries anything past niceties, he can fuck off. I'm being nice, but he's not coming over for a shag again.

life, work

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