Happy Lugh's Day!

Aug 01, 2011 12:08

I know most folks emphasize the first fruits aspect of Lughnasa, but for whatever reason, today I've been thinking about the games that used to be played to celebrate Lugh, and his stepmom, Tailtiu. About how games are as much about participation as they are about who wins and who loses. That whether we are prepping for a footrace (aka marathon) or inner work (meditation, working with divinity, wotever) that it is the actual practice that lets you put it out there when the time comes, and participate. The harvest from participating might be a sense of community, it might be a blue ribbon, it will most likley include a bit of celebration and deeper self-understanding.

It might be fun to host Lughnasa games one year! Kinda like the Scottish games, but on a much smaller scale, and unlikely to include tree trunks. Spears or lances would be good though! And people could bring their home brews and share a picnic. :-)

spirituality, pagan

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