
Jan 13, 2010 19:25

The Bodhi Tree is closing.

In the 1980's my coven/s would make holy treks from Santa Barbara to Melrose Street to visit the store. There was nothing else like it. I can still picture the jewlery cases, the center displays, the tall skinny pagan racks in back. There, I first found the Feri books... and put them back (so skinny, so expensive, so kinda crazy, and yet..). ! The pagan books were self or small press published, with simple or garish covers. They were treasures. To buy a pentacle - ! Likely that's where I heard about the first pagan gatherings, where literally all of us would gather in a room and chant together...

I am greatful for the founders, and their many years of community service and retail goodness.

life, pagan

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