Pennsic Day Three (Monday, July 30)

Sep 12, 2012 16:36

Our first real day of Pennsic! First stop - merchants!

Well, after a leisurely wake-up and breakfast. It was already feeling pretty warm but we went out to enjoy the day. We headed over to one of our favorite merchants, T'ger Togg's who sells wonderful patchwork items - they're where I got my patchwork doublet, long coast, Awesome Hat of Awesome, and several pairs of patchwork tights. They also have good Renaissance shirts. Sadly we got there an hour or so too late to get what must have been a really nice wool coat - we discovered this because the buyer didn't buy the sleeves that went with it. Well, that means less money spent. But we did find a good set of tights for Pantalone, some more Earth-tone patchwork tights, a purple vest to go with my green shirt, and some nice and poofy patchwork pants. And because T'ger Toggs loves us, we got a bit of a discount.

We continued circling the merchants. I found a very nice patchwork vest from Dominica's booth. She's a friend so yay for supporting merchant friends. It's more green than anything else with irregular shapes and a variety of different stitching patterns (with green thread) - which is all my favorite kind of chaotic patchwork! Soon after we found a fun harlequin colored tunic shirt perfect for the Fools Parade.

I'd be showing you pictures here if I had the sense to have some taken! Oy!

After some wandering, we were called over to the Town Square information point where Master Johannes and Lady Lorelei Skye were chatting which entered into a conversation about commedia dell'arte and performing at Pennsic. Lorelei also discussed her teaching classes on busking, something that i Verdi Confusi does wish to know and do more in the future. We also discussed the lack of an organized track of performing arts classes, since the Coxcomb Academy ended years ago. And this conversation would lead to others throughout the next two weeks...

The rest of Monday was fairly lazy but Megan and I continued a trend we had done the night before of strolling all the way around the lake before returning to our camp. The lights from torches and campfires are beautiful and the Moon was nearing full. Though the stars were clear overhead we saw thunderstorms and lightning flashing in the distance.

It may have been Sunday night or maybe this night that we bumped into Kimberlie and Eleanor at Vlad's. I had told Megan earlier that I'd not need to look for Kimberlie because we just have a habit of finding each other - and we did. Within moments of entering the party. This kept happening most other nights too. We were very happy to bump into Eleanor too; it's too long between seeing that energetic player and we want her in the troupe more often!

So, since I don't have any specific pictures to show you, here's some Pennsic labyrinths!

labyrinth, patchwork, sca, society for creative anachronism, pennsic

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