Apparently the length of time we can go without fighting
is about the length of my pinky.
by the way...If you didnt receive this: Its my first Podcast!!!
Oh yes..I am so very excited. Its a little movie thingy about Vancouver.
Pretty sweet if you ask me.
Music is washing into my ears...and I know you arent supposed to have it
so loud that you cant hear the world around you..
That is just how i like it. Especially now.
I hate extremes.
Every time
Makes me think that every time was wrong..every single bloody time..I did it wrong.
I would run right now if I could..I'd probably slip and fall on my butt..and besides...
I dont have any music to bring with, and right now its my lifeline. my shield. my heartbeat. my friend.
Is that a little twisted? maybe..But I love music...
and If i could have a soundtrack to my life, I wouldnt hesitate.
I miss my radio show. I miss a wall full of CD's
I miss arguing with wonderful Screendoor about how U2 sucks :)
I miss defending Coldplay..
I guess..sometimes you never really know..
what you thought you knew...what you thought would be okay.
It was fine up until now..and suddenly its not, and suddenly I'm wrong. Suddenly..I'm too harsh and straightforward.
I took your CD's ..never said a word about what songs I didnt like..there werent that many.
It was if you were perching..awaiting my axe to come down on your beloved music collection..waiting for the collision..awaiting the crash..
when really..
I just appreciated the gift.
I always wonder about the silence..
The lengh of silence is always longer than the time it takes for us to fight again..
The silence seems like a football field..
hardly fair.
hardly there.
In other news:
I talked to my brother Joel on video chat tonight!!
Oh, how i love was all randomness and glory..
and monkeys with spoons.
He's moving to Abbotsford for the summer, that means that with a short drive..
I can be at his door, and he can be at mine.
Thats how it should be really.