Apr 11, 2007 23:16
Imagine, if you will, music in a vaguely gospel style, sung in German with a strong Polish accent.
This is the sort of thing one finds if one digs deeply enough in my record collection, which I seem to be rediscovering this evening. Having exhausted my Pink Floyd supply (a mere two LPs in total), I came across a record by a famous Polish pop singer named Maryla Rodowicz, who's been around since sometime in the 60s. I actually have two records of hers, the first of which I remember buying on a whim for $20 at Looney Tunes in Cambridge, something like eight years ago, during the height of my "Poland is cool" phase. I quite like that one... it's from 1968 and sounds in most respects like many things that were produced during the Summer of Love in San Francisco, except it was produced in Poland. I'd entirely forgotten until this evening that I owned a second Maryla Rodowicz album, which I believe I bought about six years ago on a trip to Prague, but don't remember ever listening to until now. This one was produced in East Germany in 1974, and she sings most of the songs in German, which has the advantage of being a language I mostly understand, and the disadvantage that I can therefore recognize just how heavy her accent is. And the backup singers... their accents are just as heavy!
This is distinctly odd.