Jun 01, 2007 15:33
i was so frustrated yesterday! there was a lot bothering me. but i feel so much better today. all day yesterday i was depressed. today i feel fine. not sure if the prozac only works sometimes, if i'm becoming immune to another increased dosage, whether it was just a bad day of a bad time of the month, or if things were really just bad between us. but it doesnt' really matter now.
i suggested not talking for a day or two, in an email. he emailed back he didn't want that. so, he called me last night and we talked for a good hour and change. he let me air my grievances. and said many times he'd do anything for this relationship. after i got it all out. all that i wanted to be mad at him for. i felt better. he really does love me. and i really do love him. i believe in us. i think we're a perfect couple.
everyone goes though rough times. but people who are committed and in love can make it through anything. and our quibbles are sooo small in comparison to many couples' problems. but i like how, if one of us is upset about something, we talk it out, and fix it. it makes me confident that in the future, when we're older, and we fight about kids or money, or borderline audultery... we can get through it. we both have the desire to fight for this. so, little hurdles= no big deal! piece of cake. well... at least what we've dealt with so far is a cakewalk compared to what we could deal with. anyway, i'm babbling again. but i feel so much better. it'll be a nice weekend with him.
we both mentioned taking it to the next level... but i'm not sure what that is?...