Survey of Me - Part Two

Sep 03, 2008 22:59

Here is the part two of the survey:

1. Can you go a day without laughing?: No

2. Do you have your period right now?: No

3. What currently hurts the most?: My eyes from all the reading I’m doing.

4. When was the last time you were on MySpace?: Can’t remember.

5. Are you in love with the Jonas Brothers?: who?

6. How many siblings do you have?: One.

7. Who are you crushing on?: Jeffery Donovan and Richard Armitage

8. And where are they right now?: I know where I wish they were right now…  I wouldn’t be here typing this, I can tell you that much!  lol

9. Do you work? If so, where?: Yes, I have 2 part time jobs, one in Home Care and the other in a day care centre for the elderly.

10. What is your intake on abortion?: Hmmm.  I don’t believe in it as a form of contraception, prevention is better, it’s so freely available. But if carrying a baby is dangerous for the health of the mother or if she was a rape victim, then yes.  I suppose, it is a choice. I think fathers have a right in the decision as well, it’s not just the mothers baby.

11. What is your least favourite music genre?: Rap, thrash heavy metal.

12. What is your favourite TV show?: Neighbours,

13. If you got the chance to go to the moon, would you?: yes, in a flash.

14. If you have a dog(s) what are their name(s)?: N/A

15. Do you watch America's Best Dance Crew?: No

16. If yes, who do you want to win?: N/A

17. What is your favourite song at the moment?: Chris Brown, not sure the name of the song.

18. Favourite holiday?: New Years.

19. Have you ever spent the night at the hospital?: Yes

20. What are your biggest phobias?: Losing my husband and brother and being left all alone.

21. Do you have any mental disorders?: Depression and anxiety.

22. What was the last thing you made in the kitchen?  Veal and vegies.

23. Do you think that you can choose who you want to love?: No

24. How many musical instruments are in your house?: 2

25. What is the nearest polkadotted thing to you?: Nothing

26. When was the last time you went to the beach?: A couple of weeks ago, we took the oldies for a drive.

27. Have you ever been on stage? For what?: Graduation ceremony to receive my degree.

28. How many necklaces do you own?: 4

29. Would you ever date someone younger than you?: Yes, not much younger though.

30. Say I'm flipping a coin, what side do you call? Heads or Tails?: heads

31. How often do you use Google?: everyday

32. Or do you use Yahoo instead?: No

33. Do you like having your picture taken?: No, I’d rather be behind the camera.

34. What is the last thing you do in the shower?: have a cold shower, I love it, it is refreshing.

35. Do you listen to the radio while showering?: Sometimes.

36. Is tomorrow a special day?: Everyday is special isn’t it?

37. Would you ever live in a different country? If yes, where?: So many places, Paris, England, Italy on the Amalfi coast, Mauritius, Bora Bora,

38. Have you ever been in a real moshpit?: No.

39. How many times have you brushed your teeth today?: Once

40. And flossed?: No.

41. Are you excited for the new season of Run's House?: what?

42. Have you ever been to a club?: Yes

43. What do you think of Mario Lopez?: Who is that?

44. Can you do a back handspring?: I wish.

45. Have you ever been a dancer?: Well, professionally, no.  I’ve danced at a night club with my friends, is that what you mean?

46. How about a soccer player?: I’ve played soccer when I was younger.

47. Is there a laundry basket in your room?: Yes, I haven’t put away the clean clothes yet.

48. When is the next time you will be attending a party?: I've got a friends birthday coming up.

49. How many times have you been in a hotel?: I worked for a hotel company, so I have lost count.

50. Did you enjoy this survey?: It was a bit long.

me, survey

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