Survey of Me - Part One

Sep 03, 2008 21:29

Is there anything antique in your house? Yes, a tea set given to me by my Aunty.

Have you ever had to stand before a judge? Yes, once when someone got speeding tickets in my car and I was in a different state at the time.  They didn’t pay them and I got stuck with it and had to go to court over unpaid fines.  I got out of it.

What is your favourite season? Spring.

What is your least favourite house chore? Doing the dishes and cleaning toilet.

Do you believe that you have haters and that people talk about you behind your back? For sure, not many I hope.

What are 2 fruits that you really like? Bananas and granny smith apples.

How many rings until you answer the phone? I screen my calls at home, I let it go to voicemail if I don’t know the number.  It’s usually sales calls.

Do you use ebay? Sometimes.

Is life getting you down? Work is giving me the shits at the moment. Too much uni as I leave to the last minute (my own fault), so I have no life at the moment.

Do you wear tank tops? Only to bed on a cold night.

How often do you catch yourself daydreaming? All the time.

Do you like gangster movies? Not really, all that testosterone and bravado doesn’t do it for me.  I like crime shows though.

If someone offered to buy you a bar drink, what would you ask for?  Depends on what mood I am in as different alcohol does different things to me.  Probably a Guava Vodka Cruiser.

If you could erase your past would you?  Not all of it, maybe some of it.

Is you hair colour now your natural colour? No, there seems to be this grey stuff creeping in that I need to dye back to my natural colour. Nasty stuff.

What kind of music do you like?  Rock, modern country, pop, a little it of R&B, general stuff on radio, classical, blues, indie,

Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night? I am a light sleeper, and usually get up a couple of times a night to go to the loo.

Do you wear your shoes in the house? No, they’re the first things to come off when I get home, I love my socks and slippers.

What do you do when you're sad? I cry, then eat chocolate and then ask for cuddles from whoever is around me.

What are you doing tomorrow? Finishing off a Uni assignment.

When was the last time you left your house? Tuesday, I went to work.

Would you survive in prison? honestly? Probably not, I’d end up as someone’s bitch.

Ever been to Georgia? No.

What is in your pocket? A hanky.

Do you have any regrets? Sure do.

What makes you happy? Watching my niece and nephew play, watching my husband play, laughing, loving my friends, being out in the country with no cars or noise.

Are you happy with your living arrangements? No, I hate living in the city, in an apartment.  I want a house so I can have a garden and a dog, preferably in the country.

What did you do Friday night? Surf the net, watch TV or a movie.

Are you taken for granted? Yes, I’m too nice for my own good.

Are you tired? All the time.

Have you ever made a mistake? I wouldn’t be human if I said I hadn’t.

What do you do as soon as you walk in the house? Close the door and put my keys on the book case.

What did you dream last night?  It’s a bit weird, but I was on the toilet and this girl from work came in and started to talk to me about work…. Weird.

Lemons or Limes?  Lemons

Did you eat any candy today? Yes, it helps me think when I am studying.

Think of an unusual question you've been asked. What is it?  This question?  I have no idea, I can’t think of one off the top of my head.

What was the last email you received? Junk, I deleted it.

Have you ever caught someone peeking at you through your bedroom window? No, thank God, I don’t think I am the type that attracts perverts, yes I’m blessed with being ordinary.

Who are you more like, your mom or your dad? Well, I look like my Mum, but I am very much like my Dad in personality. I’m a bit of a mad McGuirk.

What do you like more, Fruits or Veggies? Vegies.

Who do you talk to the most about your problems? My husband, he’s my best friend.  He has great tolerance for my sooky moments.

Do you tend to think that you are always right? No, how boring would that be, to always think you were right. How would you learn anything new?

Are you going to go out now? Well, I might go out of this room into the bed room soon as I am tired, that’s about as good as I get these days.

Part 1: The Birth of You:

Were you a planned baby?: I don’t know.

Were you the first?: No

Who was present at your birth?: Mum and I have no idea who else, a nurse and a doctor I am guessing.

Were your parents married when you were born?: Yes

What is your birth date?: 8th of May.

Part 2: The Family

How would you describe your family?:  Small and close, different from your normal family, there were only the 3 of us, my brother, myself and my Dad. Dad’s gone now.

Are your parents married? They were until Mum died.

Siblings or an only child?:  1 brother.

If you have siblings are you oldest, middle, or youngest?: I’m the baby.

What are your siblings names and ages?: Adam - 36

Which parent do you get along with best?: Well, I didn’t really have a choice, but I was always a daddy’s girl.

What do you fight about?: My brother being a dickhead and his drinking.

Do you have step parents?: No.  Nearly did once.

Part 3: The Friends

Do you have more than one best friend?: Yes, my Hubby and my sister-in-law

Who are your best friends?:  Yes, my Hubby Alex and my sister-in-law Tonie.

What do you like to do when you are together?: Hubby - everything, whatever. Tonie, we usually talk.

Do you share the same interests?:  Most of the time yes.

Which friend can you tell anything to?: Alex, I tell him whatever comes out of my mouth and that could be anything….. he thinks I am a nut and he thinks I talk too much… “too much information”….

Part 4: Your Personality

How high/low is your self esteem?:  It’s getting better. Not the best.

Are you an extrovert or an introvert?:   I’m an extrovert in many ways, but it takes work.  I was really shy as a child and worked out when I left high school that it wasn’t worth it.

Are you happy?:  Not really, but working on it.

Do you live life to the fullest?:  Not really, I feel too much responsibility to look after everyone else that I tend to neglect myself and therefore deny my own needs and dreams to help others get theirs.  I’m working on reversing that as well.

Part 5: Appearance

Are you comfortable with the way you look?: Some days I am, others I am not.  I don’t consider myself ugly, I’m just average.

Do you have any piercings besides your ears?: No

Describe your hair.:  Long, brown and wavy. I wear it up most of the time.

What make-up do you wear?: A bit of powder, a bit of eyeshadow and mascara, not much, only to work though, but not at home.

How do you dress?: Comfortably.  I wear a uniform to work, pyjamas or trackies at home and jeans and tops when I go out shopping or whatever.  I’m not that much into fashion.

Part 6: The Past

Were you a strange child?: I don’t think I was.  I was very quiet, shy and preferred to read.

What did you use to love that you no longer do?: Paint and draw. I want to take it up again, oh and ride my bike every where.

Do you have the same friends?: No, I had trouble keeping friends when I was younger, I moved around too much.

Was there anything in your past that was traumatizing?: Yes, the death of my Mum when I was 5, being bullied at school.

Part 7: The Future

What is your ambition?: To have children, my own house in the country and grow old with Alex and have a garden and a dog.

Are you scared of growing old?:  Yes, I work with the aged and they have so many aches and pains and they lose so much, independence, friends, loved ones.  If I kept healthy, I suppose I would.  The aged aren’t respected much in our society.

Do you want to get married?: I keep asking Alex if he’ll marry me again, but he doesn’t want the expense!

Part 8: The Outdoors

Do you prefer indoors or outdoors?: It all depends where I am.  In the city - I prefer to be inside, I hate the ugliness of traffic, noise, people everywhere. I prefer to see my own space.  In the country, I prefer to be outside.

What is your favourite season: Spring.

Do you like walking in the rain?: Not if it is cold and blowing a gale.  Summer rains - yes.

Part 9: Food

Are you a vegetarian?: No

What is your favourite fruit?: Granny Smith Apples.

What food makes you want to gag?: Salmon, yuck, it smells like cat food.

What is your favourite dessert?:  Vanilla ice cream with Milo and chocolate topping.

What is your favourite restaurant?:  Wok On Inn - Thai fusion.

Are you a fussy eater?:  I don’t think I am.

Part 10: Relationships and Love

Are you single or taken?: Taken completely.

If taken who is the lucky guy/girl?: My husband Alex.

Do you think love is the best feeling in the world?: Yes, not only for my husband, but also for my family, my nephew, niece, my friends.  There is so much love to give.

Do you believe in love at first sight?:  Yes.

Part 11: Experiences

What was one of your greatest experiences?:  The birth of my nephew changed my life, definitely one of the defining moments that changed my life.  Also my marriage day, it was the day time I really saw Dad enjoy himself.

What was one of your worst?:  The death of my Dad - the burial.

Have you ever done drugs?: No.  I hate them.

Have you ever thought you were going to die?: No… no near death experiences for me, luckily.

Have you ever suffered from depression?: Yes, as well as anxiety since 1998. Mental Illness runs in the family (Grandma, Mother, Brother, Me).  It’s not something I can escape.  I tried giving up the meds, but it was no good.


What is one thing you would love to happen tomorrow? To wake up and find that my assignment was done, I won lotto and have a million in the bank so I can travel the world, and I found out that I was pregnant.

Do you bite your fingernails? No.

Do you like Mexican food? I’m not really into hot food.  I do like taco’s and burritos if I make them.

Has anyone ever keep something from you? Yes

Are you hungry? No

Are you tanned? No, the only tan I can get is out of a bottle.  Plus it’s winter at the moment.

What are you looking forward to in the next month? Weekends.

Do you believe everything happens for a reason? Most of the time.

Do you think too much or too little? Too much, especially when I want to go to sleep at night, I run scenarios through my head about things that happened during the day.

What happened at 10:00 am yesterday? I was picking up clients from their home in the bus and taking them to the Seniors Centre.

Is your family just a bundle of fun? My brother gives me the shits sometimes, but I get a good laugh, my niece and nephew are beautiful and I love to play with them.  My cousins are a bundle of fun, they’re mad and we have great times.

How many hours did you sleep last night? 7

What jewellery are you wearing? Earrings.

Do you drink tea? No, I’m a coffee girl.

Have you ever wanted something you couldn’t have?  A guy I fell in love with while at University (the first time).

Have you ever in any way, been betrayed by someone you trust? Yes, so many times.  I am very weary now, especially of women (sorry).

Why are you single? I’m not.

What's the greatest thing that happened to you today? I woke up, I got a kiss and a cuddle from husband.

How many friends do you tell everything? One.

Have you shaved your legs in the past 3 days? No, I look like a hairy Greek lady, it’s cold, I’ve got to keep my legs warm!

Would you rather get up early or sleep in? a bit of both sometimes. At the moment I want to sleep in.

Tell me about the shirt you're wearing? I’m in my jammies.

What's on your bedroom floor right now? A book, socks I need to put in the wash and some shoes.

What do you currently hear? TV and my husband racing cars on the computer.

Has a boy put their arm around you in the past five days? No, a hot man has! Whoo Hoo!

Would you rather be mad or sad? Sad, I hate being mad, it gives me headaches and causes too much stress.

Does it take a lot to make you cry? No, I’m a bit of a sensitive soul.

Name one fear you have? Spiders and snakes.

Is your bra pink? I’m not wearing one.  I hate them.

How many kids do you want? 2, one of each.

What's your favourite colour to wear? Blue.

Who was the last person in your bedroom? Me

Who was the last person on your bed of the opposite sex? My husband

Do you straighten your hair often? No. I like having wavy hair.

Do you want a boyfriend/girlfriend? I married him.

me, survey

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