Oct 31, 2011 13:58
A guy on eBay lamented the fact that PS1 RPGs had up to 4 discs "showing their devotion", whereas PS2 games (which he is implying are inferior) usually only had 1 and "most likely had room to spare." He also used the wrong "there" instead of "their" at one point. At least, I think he did, the whole sentence doesn't really make much sense with either word, but that's not really the point here.
I grabbed a few discs off the shelf to test this theory:
FFVIII: 608 MB, 575 MB, 599 MB, 576 MB = 2.3GB.
Suikoden IV: 4.05 GB
FFXII: 3.78 GB
So, that's 1.5 - 2 times as large, based on my small, meaningless sample. Of course, that doesn't factor in all the content that has to be repeated across all the discs of the PS1 games, such as character models, monster details, how combat works, town information, etc.
Of course, the vast majority of the PS1 RPGs I own don't have 4 discs and since I own so many, I'm willing to consider myself an expert on the matter.
Edit: I just checked, and of the PS1 RPGs I have, 19 have one disc, 10 have 2 discs, 2 have 3 discs and 4 have 4 discs.
video games - general