I've been collecting playstation games since the release of Final Fantasy VII. It was very slow at first. I was young and didn't have a lot of money. I first started adding to it significantly when I was in Waterloo. I bought a few games at a pawn shop called buynsell in Kitchener and I ended up buying a lot from a guy on Craigslist. The first time he delivered, the second time I had to pick them up. My pace has accelerated recently, since I have money from selling a good chunk (value wise, not volume wise) of my Magic Cards. The pictures are somewhat large, so that you can read the game titles if you want. I shrunk them to 35% of their original size. Well, without further ado, here are the pictures of games.
The main issue I am having right now is one of space. I took over 4 more shelves on the entertainment unit this weekend with my new additions. Under the current system I only have room to comfortably store ~15 more PS2 games and ~5 more PS1 games.