Jul 03, 2012 00:50
I am cramping. It's not as bad as it could be (not giving serious consideration to carving out my own uterus), but it IS making me feel sick. And the fact that the AC barely reaches my room is not helping. I've been using my ice packs and things on my back to feel cool, and all I want is a heat pad on my abdomen; chocolate; and to not go to work. And maybe a pretty boy to distract me. But the only thing I'm likely to use/get is the chocolate. And since I'm the fattest I've ever been (and have no willpower, energy, or money to fix it), that's a terrible idea.
I also severely need to figure out teaching applications (and who the hell my references can be now since I doubt I can use my TWO YEAR OLD student teaching ones; and get middle school science added to my certification). It's already fucking July and I haven't done one.
And my teeth are feeling sensitive.
When I'm cheerful, I'll post about DC or something.
god ass rape,
bottle of wine day,
i hate my life