(no subject)

Oct 19, 2007 17:07

Hello! Thank you so much for volunteering to write in one of my haphazardly selected fandoms. This is my first year participating in Yuletide, though I've done similar fic exchanges (i.e. femslash07). Hopefully I'll include the info you need/want in order to make your fic-writing process easier and less stressful.

First of all, I'm not picky, and especially not about plot. I made my selections based on either the characters involved or the tone/humor of the book/show. As you might have guessed, I usually read/write femslash, but I completely understand if that's not your cup of tea. Gen fic is absolutely fine with me. Het is also okay, though maybe without explicit sex? I think there's only one of my requests that could be construed in a het kind of way, so that issue might not come up. Similarly, I'm not sure how any of my requests could involve boyslash, but I might as well say that I'd prefer it not to be the focus.

I'm actually not looking for/expecting smut for any of these requests, but if you feel so inclined, I'm certainly not opposed (to the femslash variety).

On to the specific requests:
Charles de Lint - Newford series (Jilly/Wendy)
As I said in the request, I'm really just interested to see some kind of femslash for this fandom. I'm not wedded to the pairing or anything; it just seemed like the most likely option. I'm also a fan of the girls from Widdershins, who weren't on the character list, and of Sophie. If you're uncomfortable with femslash, gen/friendship fic is fine too. Maybe some backstory for Jilly and her female friends, since the books give so much history for Jilly and her boys. My favorite books of the series are The Onion Girl and Widdershins, and I also LOVE the Wordwood as a concept, if you feel inspired to work that in somewhere.

Daria (Daria/Jane)
I've seen a couple of variations on the Daria-and-Jane-go-to-college theme, and it intrigues me. There's so much potential for misunderstanding and hilarity. It's been quite a while since I've seen the show, since it's not out on DVD (grrr, MTV), so feel free to bend canon as necessary. I just love the sarcasm and dry humor of the show; plot is secondary. As with all of my requests, femslash would be great but gen is welcome too.

Libba Bray - A Great and Terrible Beauty (Gemma/Felicity)
I confess I have sort of a femslash lens through which I read basically everything, but the subtext between these two girls jumped out at me even more than most. I really would like femslash for this one, if at all possible, but of course I won't be upset if you want to write gen. Or maybe one-sided slash? Kartik kinda bugs me, so the less of him, the better.

Terry Pratchett - Discworld series (Susan)
I just really want to know more about Susan. She's my favorite character in all of Discworld. The idea of her having a personal life both cracks me up and intrigues me, so go to town. This is the one that could be construed in a het fashion, and that's fine, but please no explicit sex if so. The Discworld books I know best are anything centering on the witches (Carpe Jugulum, Witches Abroad, Wyrd Sisters), Death (Mort, Hogfather), and also Monstrous Regiment. I haven't read much about the Watch or Unseen University.

In general: I love humor and banter and innuendo. I always get a kick out of first-time stories. Anything character-centric will make me happy. Don't be afraid to be dark (especially with prompts 1 and 4) and/or serious. I don't mind some angst, though I do like happy endings.

And with that, I'm sure you're happy this incredibly long-winded letter is ending. Sorry it took me so long to get it posted - real life is lame.

Thank you, and happy Yuletide!

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