Well, on the A Little Opposition front it seems like Aunt Myrtle is quite a hit! I'm pleasantly surprised :) I can tell you I certainly liked writing her.
It's funny, having her introduced wasn't my intention until a couple weeks ago (it looked like I planned it all along though, right? Right?) and she only exists because of a throwaway line in Diplomacy. It's nice when these things just spring up naturally. Throwing her into the action has really revitilized me on A Little Opposition where I was kinda feeling like I was losing my oomph.
I like working with an original supporting cast in conjunction with the main Slayers characters. It's something I got to do a lot in The Oracle's Wish and have been doing for awhile in Diplomacy, and now I get to do it in A Little Opposition too. So I've been having fun :)
Miscellaneous news: I'm working on the next chapter of Diplomacy, I'm about a third of the way done at this point. I hope to start working on vignettes for Summer Nights this weekend. We've had a bunch of crazy-ass thunderstorms lately. And I had an eye-appointment today and I don't need a new prescription. My plan of not letting my eyes get any worse is working!
Fandoms: Alice in Wonderland, Dragon Ball, Evangelion, Hana-Kimi, Pokemon, & Slayers
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