More on Theory and Practice + This Week's Fic-cast

Jun 22, 2010 08:12

Same as with my other fics, I've posted up a commentary/annotation for Theory and Practice. You can find it >Here!<

Now that that's done, I really want to start working on my vignettes for Beloved Enemy's 100 Nights of Summer Challenge. My plan is to update whenever I get 5 challenges done. I'd love to say I'll have the first batch done by next monday but I'm not sure how likely that is.

See, I've been focusing so much of my energy on finishing Theory and Practice that I've let the planning stages for A Little Opposition and Diplomacy fall by the wayside a bit. Now I've got to scramble a bit to catch up this week. Not to worry though! Diplomacy is still in the part that's been extensively planned ahead (though it'll be leaving it soon...) and I got a really killer brain-wave about A Little Opposition last night (it made me want to laugh evilly. Always a good sign).

Plus I've got a Physics test this week and it's not my subject.

So... it'll probably take a bit longer. But it still could happen! These should be shorter stories, so there's a chance that I could be done on Monday. If not this Monday, then probably next Monday (no final estimates yet though).

Right now, of course, update-cycle demands that A Little Opposition is priority 1 today.

...Aside from Physics homework which I made this entry partially to AVOID. *weeps and goes off to do her homework*

theory and practice, a little opposition, writing, fanfiction, school, summer nights, diplomacy

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