-I haven't spent any of my birthday money since back in February, so I decided to treat myself. I've order the first three seasons of Teen Titans, a few Slayers comics, and the soundtrack to a musical I've never seen off of Amazon.
-According to my sources, the Cub Scouts should be getting me my popcorn sometime this week, so I won't have to break any adorable little noses. Aww...
Down to the Brass Rackets finished up I'm raring to get started on my long planned Zel & Amelia journey (with Xellos and Filia tagging along because I can). My outline is not complete, but it's mostly just little sub-stories that need to be fleshed out as I've got the shape of the main story pretty well hammered out. So what's the snag that's giving me an excuse not to write keeping me from writing? All the titles I can think of sound more appropriate with "Scooby-doo and the..." in front of them XD
...Oh, this is going to be difficult to take seriously. Still, the goal is to get started on the actual writing of it today.
And don't worry. I won't actually call it "The Curse of the Swamp Witch". Unfortunately the best title I've been able to come up with so far is "The Oracle's Wish" which is only slightly less crappy.