My kitty got her blood drawn on Saturday (and let me tell you she was not remotely happy about that) and we got the results yesterday. Her thyroid's looking good and she hasn't had a bad reaction to the medication ^^ This is good news...though for her it now means it's safe enough for her to get a tooth pulled. No fun!
I saw Beauty in the Beast yesterday for the first time in over a decade. I'd forgotten how beautiful it is.
In other news...I HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL DAY AFTER TOMORROW!! *spazzes*
Title: Megatokyo Avatar Set (In Progress)
Type: Avatars, Icons, 100 x 100
Subject(s): Junpei, Largo, Ping, Pirogoeth
Subject Artist: Fred Gallagher
Excerpt: #2 "Largo"
Comments: So I'm starting a Megatokyo avatar set...I'm not sure how big it'll end up being o.O; There are a lot of characters.
Click Here For Full View
Title: The Power of the Overlord
Type: Desktop Wallpaper, Background, 1024 x 768
Subject: Laharl
Subject Artist: Nippon Ichi
Excerpt "The Power of the Overlord"
Comments: I thought Disgaea 3 was already out but when I went to Best Buy they said it wouldn't be in for another week. SADNESS.
Click Here For Full View
Title: Beware Your Desires
Type: Desktop Wallpaper, Background, 1280 x 800
Subject: Yuko Ichihara
Subject Artist: Clamp
Excerpt: "Beware Your Desires"
Comments: I fixed the problem with hosting larger wallpapers, but they'll have to be jpegs instead of pngs. Of the wallpapers I've upload on Minitokyo in the past few days this one is the most popular.