It's 4:13am...

Mar 17, 2009 04:13

Ok, I have not mentioned anything about this b4, as I didn't want to jinx anything, but now it is time to talk. Mom has breast cancer. At first we weren't quite so concerned, because it was in real close to the surface and the tests all looked clear from it having spread anywhere else. So there was concern, yes, but nothing too TOO terrible. She went yesterday for a lumpectomy and a lymphnode test. It seems there might be a little more cause for concern as it HAS gotten into the lymph system. She'll have to start chemo in about a month, after she heals from surgery. She's in the hospital now. They kept her over night, and I am sitting here wishing I could be there. But I can't.

So now what?! Mom's down.. gonna be down for a bit. I am down as far as trying to work, I have no idea yet what is up with me and new drugs and stuff, and his job alone is NOT going to pay bills. YAY!!! We (my family) will get through it. We always do. But for god's sake, some reprieve would be really nice!

And now, if I may be 100% selfish, I am scared that I am next! I mean come on.. I am the genetic dump heap of this family!! If it's been in the family somewhere, I have or have had it. Time to start getting tested... that is if insurance will cover. They usually don't like to start testing for that till like, I think it's in the early 40's. Well, I think with this I MIGHT be able to get the pre-authoriztion to get the tests done.
GOD DAMN IT!! Why the fuck her? Why the fuck now??!! What lifetime was this family together b4 and fucked up so bad that we are paying for it now??! I mean REALLY??!! This will all work itsself out. I know it will.
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