I can haz break plz? kthnx

Mar 14, 2009 11:09

It's morning. Well, not really morning... Anyway, yeah.. I would love nothing more than to go back upstiars and crawl into bed, but every joint in my body is on fire. I can't handle this for much longer. For those that do not know, I spent Monday through Thursday in the hospital.

I had gone to a doctors appt. to learn how to administer Humra on myself (And let me tell you, THAT SHIT BURNS LIKE HELL!!!OMFG!!!111!!!) and all seemed well. This was 3 oclock.
Around 6 I started to REALLY hurt. Every joint in my spine, in my neck and shoulders and down my arms HURT!!! My hands were numb and tingly, and my head was about to explode, especially in any kind of light. So I called my doc. He told me to take Benedryll and Tylenol and if it didn't ease up, I needed to get to the ER. So around 8 we head for the ER. they run a bunch of tests, make the pain go away, and decide they need to keep me to try to figure out what is wrong.

Well, I am not sure how they got to it or why, but they decided I had "serum sickness". Now because Humira is "derived from human serum", the odds of getting it are 2%-5%. *rolls eyes* Yup. Thats pretty much my luck. LOL now we come down to the hard part of it all...
Was this a one time deal? Will this happen every time I get this shot? Can I even THINK about still taking it? And what do I do if I can't? There are 2 drugs left.. Cimzia (which my insurance will not cover even with a pre-auth. and is pretty much the same thing as Hhumira.. same drug family) and something that starts with a T and is known to cause fatal brain infections. No thanks. So what now? I don't know. Can I continue Humira? IDK. Do I WANT to is more the question. This actually kinda scared me a bit. But now, of course, since I have time to think about it, I'm a little more scared.

As for the Serum sickness crap, these symptoms could last 6-10 days.. or not go away at all. this truely sux. The headaches are the worst. I am ok once I adjust to light, but before that, it feels like someone is stabbing me in the eye sockets with a hot poker. Yeah.. no fun. LOL And on top of it all, MY TUMMY STILL HURTS LIKE HELL!!! WTF!
I need to find a new body. This model is old and broken and I need a new one. You know.. a new coat of paint, rotate the tires, oil change....
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