Sometimes I love WebMD, sometimes I hate it. Right now I'm in the latter state.
We went camping with the Scouts this weekend, and Friday night, Toby tripped. His foot hurt some, but he got back up and continued playing with his friends. The next morning, we went hiking, and that really aggravated the pain in his foot. He got two miles into the three mile hike, and then Howard suggested he go get the car and bring Toby back. Although he really wanted to finish the hike, Toby agreed. (The discovery of his second deer tick as we were waiting kind of did him in :P) He rested it and was limping around a bit, but by the end of the day, he was really having trouble putting weight on it.
The pain is on the top of his foot. There is some mild swelling, no discoloration, and he can wiggle his toes without pain. If he sits, he has no pain at this point. If he tries to stand on it, he rates the pain at a 4-5 on a scale of 0-10. This is exactly where he was last month, when Howard took him to the hospital and it was a sprain. The pain is in the same location.
I am 95% positive that he's just sprained it again. It makes sense- once you've sprained something, it's weaker, and you're susceptible to sprains after, and it's only a month later. He slept last night (although he did wake up for a little). The pain has lessened today, and when he's not putting weight on it, there's no pain at all. I can press lightly on it and he doesn't so much as wince. So I think I'm right.
Logic says that time will tell. I'll wait a few days and use rest, ice, compression, elevation, and Advil. If it's a sprain, it should improve. If it's a break, it won't. And if it doesn't improve, we'll go to our doctor first, and he'll tell us how to do this without paying a small fortune in ER copays. But I hate waiting, so I checked on WebMD. It came up with a fractured foot. However, I also noticed that it did not even give sprains as an option. So I suspect they do that because the symptoms are so similar, and they don't want to be responsible for someone saying "well, WebMD said it was a sprain but it's really a break and now I'm going to sue." I just want to know, you know? But I don't want to be paying ridiculous amounts of money and having unnecessary X-rays taken, when a day or two of patience will reveal things well enough. (Or at least send us to the doctor, who will tell us if we need X-rays.) He's not in pain as long as he doesn't stand on it, so it's not like there's severe discomfort I'm ignoring here. He's bored out of his mind, but that's life :)
Sorry I'm just totally neurotic. Not helped by Trevor having a mild cold and both of them having had to have deer ticks removed this weekend. (We live in an area where Lyme's is very prevalent. But neither kid had the tick on them for long, so I'm mostly not worried. Toby had one that broke, but we're pretty sure we got the whole thing out.)
Outside of hurt feet and ticks, camping was fun. We had a good time, and the kids had fun with their friends. It wasn't as great a trip as the Gettysburg trip, but they still had a good time. Trevor was right in the thick of things again, which cracks me up. He's SO excited to be an official Scout, let me tell you. One of the brand-new Tigers (not a younger sibling) also came, and he seemed like he had a blast, so hopefully that was good. We left early because Howard had a ride today, but I think we were all glad to go. Trevor also left the trip for a while to go to his very best friend's birthday party, which was decent. He had a lot of family there, many of whom were younger than the boys, and I'd forgotten how chaotic a party with a lot of 3 and 4 year olds is!
BSG_Remix reveals happened. No one attempted to guess, but I'm guessing it's not a huge shock that I wrote
People Like Us (The "Cool Motive! Still Murder" Remix) (one day I really must watch Brooklyn Nine Nine, which is where I took that quote from), and
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words. I badgered
singerdiva01_sk into making Survivors one of her choices because I really wanted to remix it because it was awesome :) I still haven't finished reading all the fics, but the ones I have read have been very good indeed. Like usual. :)
I should eat so I can play Ticket to Ride with the kids. Hope you all had a good weekend!