Fic Meme

Oct 16, 2008 11:08

Ooooh, I've been tagged! Cool!

From falafel_musings: Sometimes it's ok to pimp yourself out. Post a list of your top five fic-favorites you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same.

I have to admit, what I love best tends to be what I think is my best stuff, but hey. I'm not tagging because I'd just rather see everyone do it, so consider yourself tagged.

My current favorite five:

Youth's Final Luxury (BSG, Gaeta and Zarek gen with background/subplot ships). This is my current favorite, probably because it's a work in progress (almost done- part 5 posted yesterday!) and a shiny new fandom. Although there are some... well, not romances, but we'll use that for lack of a better word... the plot is the evolution of a relationship between Tom Zarek and Felix Gaeta, two minor characters in the series. I got thinking that they must have worked together on New Caprica (a certain, very non-specific spoiler did help that thought along), and I also got thinking about how they're both idealists of a sort. The relationship isn't easily defined, although "paternal" would be the closest, but I like it enough that I wish it was canon. My favorite two scenes in this one are the one where Tom and Felix get stoned on Laura's secret stash, and where Jammer and Felix are on the swings.

He That Believeth In Me (HP, Sirius/Remus, but more Sirius). This one had been percolating in my head ever since I wrote Men and Angels, and was the one where Sirius originally wanted to be a priest. It was a very different interpretation of Sirius than I usually write, but I have great love for this fic, and it's very, very easily one of my favorites. My favorite scenes in this one are the ones where Remus and Sirius are in Morocco.

Let the Water Hold You Down (HP, Peter, mainly gen). This was an AU where Peter was still a loyal death eater but induced Lily so that Harry was born outside the prophecy window. It's dark and it's depressing, like most of my AUs, but what I love about this one is I think I did a good job walking the line with Peter. I sometimes have a hard time with characters that I want you to like on some level, but have a nasty streak. I overbalance one or the other. (Good examples: Sirius and Zarek, and Baltar going the other way, where I tend to write him too nasty.) This one I felt like I walked the line perfectly. Favorite scenes are the ones where Sirius is in captivity, and the very end where I recreated Voldemort's attack on the Potters.

Sparkles and Sugar Plums (HP, Sirius/Remus, but very gen overtones). I debated between this and A Boy Thing (HP, Lily/James), because they're funny. I like writing comedy when the mood hits me, although I don't go for the full-out pratfall types. (Except when I do, like in Private Showing (BSG, Gaeta/Skulls). But Sparkles and Sugar Plums (where Sirius and Remus take a young Tonks to see the Nutcracker Ballet) was so much fun to write, from the second I came up with the idea that Narcissa was a prima ballerina. Hey- show me in canon where it says she's not!

Through the Cracks (BSG, cast, gen). Again, shiny new fandom, so for the moment this one's on my list, although I like Youth's Final Luxury much better. This is a different style for me- present tense and a "five things" type of fic: Five people who didn't visit Gaeta in sickbay, and one who did. I was really happy with how it came out, despite the difference in style, and very, very pleased when it got recced on crack_van.

The notable omission from this list is Accidentally In Love (HP, Remus/Sirius). I still like it, and I hope one day I finish it. But I feel like the fandom is sort of losing interest, and I have to admit I've sort of lost interest in Remus/Sirius. I feel like I've said all I want to say about them, even though I have about three chapters left in the story. But we also have NaNoWriMo coming up, and I'd like to get some good stuff done there. Y'know, stuff I could maybe get paid for one day.

Anyway. Other news: not much, but TOBY POOPED ON THE POTTY! Sorry if that's way too much information, but you parents will totally get why this is worthy of announcement from the highest mountain tops. As predicted, once he did it once we haven't much looked back, and he seems to be just about trained.

Go. Me. I. RULE!

And I should go clean and stuff like that while the movie is on.
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