Eastgate Updated! Again!

Jun 09, 2006 02:07

Have just updated The Eastgate - Chapter 17, Singing and Singed! here. Things are lightening up for Frodo, Sam and Merry, speeding up for Aragorn and Legolas, and hotting up for Boromir, Gimli and Pippin.

I have also resurrected, possibly against my better judgement, Eastgate - Behind the Scenes - with Chapter 9 - Publish and Be Damned! here.

Please don't forget also my latest offering, Frodo's Exciting Day Out. I have just posted Chapter 2, in which we meet Aragorn, Legolas, Boromir and a bunch of Uruk-hai with Uglúk in the lead! It's here. Chapter 3 could be hard on its heels if anyone actually reads Chapter 2?

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