May 19, 2009 19:22
I realized what's wrong with Syracuse. While it has more stuff than Galesburg - see: real book stores, ethnic food, etc. - there's nothing that's distinctive. Or maybe I mean that there's nothing I've discovered yet in Syracuse that I really crave when I'm not there, other than, of course, friends. Even Galesburg has crave-able stuff. The best grilled cheese ever, for example. A still-operational drive-in. The cheapest of everything. Syracuse has a lot of yuppie sandwich shops. I have a hard time getting attached to yuppie sandwich shops.
Even in my short time here, Columbus has really grown on me. The local art scene is possibly more awesome than anywhere else I've ever lived. The live music is great. Last Sunday, Ryden, Allan, and I walked to Chateau d'Awesome to watch "Omega Cop" on a big projector in the backyard. Audience participation was encouraged. When one of Omega Cop's lesser cop friends hurled a grenade into a post-apocalyptic brothel, Allan chucked an empty bottle of Smirnoff Ice at the screen.
The one thing that hasn't grown on me is Columbus drivers. Example: On the way to Chateau d'Awesome, Ryden and I were crossing the street and he got hit by a car. I was walking a little behind him and barely missed it. Basically Ryden was halfway up this woman's windshield before she noticed anything was happening, and that was only because he banged on her car. Then she sped away without even stopping to ask if he was all right. I should have gotten her license plate number. Also, this is on the same street where I got in the car accident over spring break. Loathing.
Ryden took the day off yesterday to go to the doctor and get things checked out. I was supposed to have the day off, but I got called in to work because one of the servers quit without notice. I'm never excited about going into Sbarro, but yesterday was really the best case scenario. I had Huberto, the cool manager. We were slow for a few hours, and he wheeled the desk chair out of the back room and situated it behind me, urging, "Sit!" Lupe was there for the last hour, in a characteristically bad mood. I asked her how she was, and she grunted. Then I asked what was wrong. "WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP ASKING ME THAT??" Uh, I don't know?
This is my 990th entry, apparently. That's a lot of entries.