Oct 12, 2006 20:34
Wow, re-reading yesterdays entry was kinda.. ouch. But true. and as I re-read it, my dad complemented how *pretty* i look at the moment.
weird shit.
anyway, streched to 0 gage, hurt like a mother fucking effer.
finished Go Ask Alice.
started The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
wrote more in my book of cracked out thoughts.
bought a new belt, jacket, and shirt from value village.
got in big trouble.
got really fat.
oh, tara (mckenna), i stole you a necklace today. i just couldnt not get it for you, and im low on money soo.
today i realised life is what you make it, and half of what you make it is the people you hang around.
fuck, i love my friends.
i could be locked in a white room with no way out with like naomi or tara or emily or matt or anyone of my friends and we could still find a way to not go crazy.
but today when i went out for a smoke with a couple of aqatintaces, i felt realllyy shitty. i couldnt understand why. then i realised they where burn outs, bummers, downers.
in a white room with them, i would slowly eat myself up inside out.
what would i do without people to keep my sanity for.
plus, if i where insane, would i even care as much as the people around me would? no.
im kind of scared to get surjery on my jaw now. but thts not for another year. i dont want to die.
theres no always tomorrow.
one day there wont be a tomorrow.
i can barely touch my right ear, blahhhh. it hurts like a mofo.
i need to paint my nails, lose 10 pounds, dye my hair, and get my mother fucking piercings.
and i hope my dad tries to fix my camera soon.