Mar 28, 2011 08:33
Game play of Sims 3 on the Playstation 3 is very, very limited compared to what I remember of playing Sims 2 on my dead laptop. It still looks very pretty and is an immense timesuck even with my disappointment and wishes for a proper computer to play the real game on.
(You can only play one household. If anyone moves out, they are kicked out of the game for good. That's going to be pretty harsh when the babies grow up. I liked it much, much better when people could move to other houses and I had the opportunity to interact with them again later.)
(Also, it sucks when your Sim marries a very rich Sim who lives with other people and the rich Sim, moves into your home and only brings $2000 with him. Dude. No. Bring your wealth, too. Also sucks that there was some sort of game glitch and even though it said the new husband had moved in, he never showed up. Had to move to the only other house in the game that my Sims could afford to get him to show up. But that house was too small, and so that's how the sister got kicked out of existence (that and I was finding her a bore to play and suddenly realizing I couldn't marry her off to get her out of the house.))
(Also strange, my little gay couple of Sims have adopted two babies so far and they both look like they could be related to my Sims. When I adopted in Sims 2, my couples always ended up with kids who looked nothing like them. And the first baby adopted had traits of "heavy sleeper" and "evil" and I laughed and thought at first that maybe those were traits all babies have because it seems that way to tired parents, but no, turns out the next baby is decidedly not evil. And now our oldest child is an evil genius... O_O ...which makes for interesting game play because as a toddler, she would get positive moodlets from seeing the rest of her family suffer.)