So I went into work today, as structure and normality are helpful tools for ensuring that my mind stays healthy, no?
There isn't much to do, but it helps to have somewhere to be, to be out of the house, and to be able to work a bit at the things that *do* need to be done.
Sorry to people for being vague or out of contact a bit! Things will be better in the near future, I think (hope?).
Anyhow, going to make some tea and check messages.
http://reversepickpocket.blogspot.com/2010/04/best-argument-ever.html Apparently parking cops in Australia can be just as annoying as here...
However, I will post this coolness to balance it out:
http://illusion.scene360.com/wp-content/themes/sahara-10/submissions/Tim-MacPherson02.jpg ===
So... this is my outgoing message, basically (it might not be word for word, haven't listened to it in awhile):
Hello, thanks for calling Scholarship Services. If your call is in regards to your FAFSA, student loans, grants, or aid application materials call Financial Aid at 815-753-1395. If it is in regards to your bill or any charges, contact the Bursar's Office at (number I forget). For assistance with scholarship related inquiries, please leave your name, ZID, and a phone number where we can get back to you. Thank you!
Direct, no?!
So why is it... 80-90% of the messages on my phone are for what I tell them to call the proper line for? Can people not figure this out?! Do they not speak English?!
WOW. "Anna Lee" by Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin has the EXACT same intro guitar as Title and Registration by Death Cab for Cutie, which is like a solid 40-60 seconds (not sure exactly, I wasn't looking, I had Pandora up and thought to myself "didn't this song just come on 30 mins ago?")
If this song were a matress tag, someone would be going to jail, because it's been totally RIPPED OFF.
4/14 -- 1:15pm
Just realized I forgot to post this. All of this was from yesterday! OOPS!