Hump Day and Not a Dromedary In Sight

Apr 07, 2010 15:40

Single screening it up front, Sarah is sick, Lauren isn't in, and
Anne has meetings, so the entire Scholarship Office is empty!

Sadness! Anyway, that means I am up front for walk-ins and such.

Since my last update... I've seen my 1st hockey game, spent some
quality time with my wonderful girlfriend, went home for Easter
and saw the fam, and found an apartment in Madison.

Pretty eventful weekend but not nearly as much academic work time
as I needed, and as such... this week will be a bear (and this

On the bright side, while it is bound to be a slow morning, I got
sent a survey by Amazon about my MP3 purchases (cuz that's where
I get mine)... that will net me a gift card. Woot.

On the down side, it is going to be a slow day, I fear....


That was a short survey. Cool

In other news, this may be the most intention and awkward use of
Hamlet in journalistic writing I've seen to date (from The
Economist's most recent issue: "Myanmar's main opposition force
this week, unlike Hamlet, reached for the bare bodkin."

Thanks, guys. Really, you can just say that they opted to boycott
the election. You don't need to try so hard.


Sigh. I didn't realize the American treasury hadn't yet accused
China of deliberate currency manipulation to boost exports.

(It's obvious that the yuan is intentionally cheapened, and so it
is unusual and highly questionable the U.S. Treasury department
hasn't said anything... sigh. Idealism? Who needs it. We've got
piles of money?)

Anyway, it gives me something else to link the economic argument
for why we have sanctions on Burma for doing the same things
China does.

The reason for the article in the Economist is because it looks
like the Treasury Dept may actually make that "accusation" this
year (the article cites declining faith in Chinese business, but
I really have to wonder about competition for markets and the
T-bill situation) ...

Honestly? This all makes me rather uneasy.


Woo, post card touch-ups, should be just about ready!

Not as slow as I thought (since I have something to do) ... I
also had a student worker come in to man the door so I could work
on this thing.

(I'm making a postcard with tips to reduce borrowing, so that we
can send it out to new students)

... in other news, we're pulling extra hours after work this
coming week to call people with an extra grand from NIU to try
and help new students make decisions. I am not sure how I feel
about it, but I suppose any help for the students is good...

Anyway, it's time to be off to lunch, meeting Mr. Z at Chipotle!


Barbacoa? More like Barba...delicious...acoa...?

Uhm, yeah. Anyway.

Back to work!


Postcard submitted, seems to have final approval. I feel bad sending something out that isn't fabulous (it's the same reason I don't post all my little comics) ... but whatever. I did what I could with what I had (and in the narrow time frame I was given)...

(It's not bad, but it's simple, direct... and utterly uninteresting)


Today is gross, one of those days I wish I didn't have to walk home.

... but I do have to walk home ... if it is raining, maybe I'll pause at the library or something, but I am hoping to do some sort of cooking for dinner... so who knows.

Anyway, I'm going to post this and clean my desk up a bit before I leave. I'm feeling the clutter today.

p.s., in other news, Laura is tres adorable, and I have proof:
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