Item 1: The Colposcopy.
That was... unpleasant... made moreso by the large and intrusive fibroids. Basically, the girly parts are held open by a speculum while the Doc blasts intense light into the cavity, and then the cervix and surrounding area is dabbed with a vinegar solution so that problem areas, etc show up under said bright light.
I learned that I have an extremely narrow opening in my cervix. Which was, you know, fantastic when they had to take a scraping (endocervical curettage) for a biopsy sample... because that meant using some other bizarre widening device.
Oh, the even bestest part? Medical Student from SUNY Brockport riding shotgun... including all of the subsequent pushing, squeezing, put your finger in here, etc. I just stared at the wall and told myself that someday he'll help someone have a child, or catch signs of cervical cancer and save a life.
The Doc saw nothing in the exam that would concern him, and prior to the procedure the nurse wanted to assure me that he knew what he was doing as he is a specialist with over 30 yrs experience. He said to be safe we'll go through the full process, including the biopsy, and he'd put a rush on it so that the results would be in before surgery date.
So far, we're still a go for Total Hysterectomy for Fibroids (he also agreed whole-heartedly that they had to go)
Item2: One last period
happening right now... in fact, it started early-- was supposed to start today; but instead started Thurs night. This means today is Day 2, the day when even with the ginormous Ultra tampons I'm running to the bathroom every 45 minutes. Not something I wanted to mention on FB, but this is the real reason I'm blowing off the SCA Event today-- I've been to that site before and I know that the site's plumbing can't handle my Day 2 volume... not to mention dealing with all that in garb. I keep reminding myself that barring any complications or scheduling issues... this will be my LAST MENSTRUAL CYCLE EVER. I have always always ALWAYS hated my period. I didn't want to get it when I was pre-teen, and I've hated it ever since. Some women apparently revel in it; feel empowered by the power of the Woman and Goddess or whatever. Yeah, whatever... it's disgusting, expensive, annoying, and uncomfortable and I'll be glad when it's gone.
Item3: Cold/Allergies/whatever
Have been dealing with post-nasal drip and now cough and irritated throat. A few occasional sneezes but not enough to make me feel like I'm definitely sick... but this PND and cough is driving me crazy. I decided going to the event might make it worse; and I'm definitely not running in teh 5K tomorrow as it's supposed to be rainy and 47° at registration and maybe clearing up and 51° by race time. I don't want to have any possible reason to cough AT ALL going into or coming out of surgery.
Item4: Home Prep
Since I'm staying home, I'm going to try and re-clean the Studio. It was so clean for so long; and then life happened and now everything is everywhere... again. Time to start cleaning and making more of an effort to keep clean... and then next week figure out what may need to be moved downstairs for the first couple of weeks. Contemplating moving the computer desk components (monitor, stand, printer, keyboard, mouse, port replicator, speakers) downstairs to the dining room table-- only the table is actually a little higher than the desk table; and gets uncomfortable after awhile. I'll figure it out.
Right now I'm washing
fabric to make a new robe for the hospital stay. If I have enough left over I'm going to make a matching cover for my cough pillow. I was thinking about a new pair of jammies or a long night gown or something too... but there may not be time (or motivation) for that. I'll be happy if I get the robe done this weekend ;)
Alarm's about to go off to switch the laundry... and oh hey... it's been an hour, time to go change, again. ugh.
Last. One. Ever.