Apr 22, 2003 10:41
I had this discussion with my friend while studying for my Law in the Political Arena midterm (it's not nearly as exciting as it sounds...):
Me: I can't beleive all they want us to do is read this shit, memorize the lists, and parrot it all back to them on middle-school style tests of fact! I thought college is supposed to make you THINK! We should be using what we learn to analyze new material!
My Friend: What would we analyze?
Me: They're supposed to give us a passage or a scenario or something we've never seen before, and ask us to apply what we've learned to analyze it in ESSAY form!
My Friend: That would be hard!
Me: Not really...it's much better than memorizing lists and regurgitating badly thought out lectures to pretentious professors. And multiple choice tests, who does that! I almost wish I were in high school again!
My Friend: All of my tests in high school were scantron...
This was where the conversation ended...needless to say, these intro classes are pissing me off, and I miss people dearly who appreciate me for my thinking capacities.