Jan 03, 2003 10:05
No, I don't mean homecoming as in a football game with lots of tailgates and sluttily-dressed sorority girls dancing on shittily-made floats down Sheridan Road...although that was fun in it's own way! I mean coming home, and realizing how your life has changed by contrasting it to your old life.
Northwestern is not a friendly place for livejournals. I have never met anyone else who has one, and if they do, they don't talk about them. For my part, I was adamant about my decision to confine my audience to my OES friends. The idea was that way I would be at liberty to say whatever I wanted about the new people I met...bitchy, eh?
I thought I could write about my life for any audience, even one that wasn't a part of it, and if I really were a good writer, it wouldn't matter. But I don't think that is the case. Part of CNF-ing your life is sharing it with the other people that experienced it, so you can all search for the truth together...(truth in meaning, not truth in facts. Real truth can only be found in writing...but that's another issue altogether).
It is related, however, with the other issue that made me seriously consider getting rid of my livejournal altogether. My friends at Northwestern live life, rather than reflecting on it, analyzing it, and crafting stories about it as it happens. In many ways they are much better socialized than I am. On the other hand, I came home and was hit with a profound recognition of my respect for the intellectualism of the people I went to high school with. OES-ians, I can tell I will never have as collectively brilliant a group of friends as you.
So I came home and I realized that I miss my dorky obsession with writing and psycho-analysis. I miss the long chats in Lori's car about absolute truth and being spoiled and detachment. I miss being bombarded with phrases to describe what is happening, and thus finding small truths about the world in everything that happens to me (the curse of Lynne Sadler...)
And so I'm taking my dorkiness back to college with me. Whereas I was predictable and boring at OES, I am a "walking contradiction" in college...I role I find amusing. So livejournal is about to bombard Northwestern. This is like a first entry all over again. I'm going to tell my friends, and I'm going to start writing again. So Lori, Tommy, Lynne and all the rest of you who beg me for updates, consider this my New Year's resolution inspired by you.