So next week's justice lecture is going to be on feminism. though the lecturer didn't put any terribly polarizing topics, the few he did put in is going to result in a huge clusterfuck--- or people are going to argue their point politely but passionately and without resorting to strawman comments towards each other, I dunno. I have extremely biased high hopes considering their majoring in philosophy, anywho.
But a portion of the lecture deals with pornography, and it left me reeling. First of all, what? There are people who want to ban porn? Whaaaaaaat?! The argument boils down to pornography being a type of “speech-act” that is in itself subordination of women. If this is true, and it creates positive harm towards women, which in turn means the traditional defense of freedom of speech would not apply, and therefore we should ban porn. So pornography might be part the authoritative domain insofar as it teaches what is the “right way of doing things” in regards with sex. “...The fifty percent of boys who think it’s okay for a man to rape a woman if he is sexually attracted to her [...] the fifteen percent of male college undergraduates who say they have raped a woman on the first date, the eighty six percent who enjoy the conquest part of sex, the thirty percent who rank the faces of woman displaying pain and fear to be more arousing than pleasure.” (Ask if you want citations.)
I feel like a lot of what is quoted above is simply patently wrong (*holds up method, sample size, raw data needed sign*), and moreover, it doesn’t take into account females as part of this equation at all. Another two critiques I have on this line of argument would be to refute the claim that pornography is authoritative in any substantial way, and lastly that the conclusion is far. too. strong (surely only degrading porn should be banned? consensual, non-violet porn where both parties are having a ball doesn't seem to pose any issues). I’m kind of tempted to write a mini-essay write here, but I shall refrain. The point I wanted to make isn’t directly related to the argument itself, I just really wanted to write out my disagreement in case I don't get a chance to in class. The actual point is that I personally feel there is a larger social problem at work. And that’s the equivalent of slut-shaming of females for watching porn themselves. It’s so goddamn taboo to enjoy watching porn or masturbating, it’s like. Why. Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyy????? I thought people were all for sexual liberation and what not. Isn’t being able to watch porn without feeling OVERWHELMING SHAME part of that, surely? It’s socially acceptable for guys to masturbate, should be the same for females.
As you can see I am pro-porn. Fap away, my lovelies, fap away.