Memo to the new LJAB Member

May 31, 2008 22:10

Earlier today I posted the following message to our newly elected Live Journal Advisory Board member. I have not yet gotten a response back from her, but I am hoping that she may chose to either join our group or at the very least create a forum where we can express our goals and ideas to her for consideration by the board. I will update the ( Read more... )

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insomnia June 1 2008, 19:29:19 UTC
Cambler, you're full of it.

If I wanted power, I would've entered the race myself. Except, of course, you and I both know that the position in question doesn't *HAVE* any power that the members of LJ do not give it. It's only as powerful as that person's ability to influence the management's decisions, end of story.

What I *did* want was qualified, credible candidates who actually took a solid policy on the issues.

Yes, we tried to get rm elected, and thought that she would've been a very good candidate, especially for people who wanted to unite around a solid stand that it's wrong to violate any LJer's rights. No, we didn't endorse you. And yet you whined so, and threw your lot in with a bunch of dramatis personae, rather than people who were openly serious about people's rights. And now you're playing the blame game.

Well, look in the mirror. After all, you were a candidate.

I have serious reservations about LMM as well, and I think that, as I've commented above, that these new changes aren't necessarily for the better at all. But what's been your answer all throughout this process, other than cynicism and division?!

Really, you want openness here for your POV, but all you do is crap all over what we're trying to accomplish.


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Re: Just a quick question matgb June 1 2008, 21:36:38 UTC
Yes, liz_marcs has posted on it extensively (check her tags) and a bunch of other meta comms have many guidelines on it (google is your friend).

Personally I back up to a Wordpress install as I can keep my comments that way.


Re: Just a quick question insomnia June 1 2008, 22:22:36 UTC
There are ways of exporting them entirely, yes. It's still a pain in the ass, though.


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Re: Just a quick question insomnia June 2 2008, 23:09:46 UTC
No... not worse than copy pasting individually, but still, the initial work involved is more than I want to deal with. But then again, my journal is pretty old and voluminous, so...


Re: Just a quick question eruditeviking June 2 2008, 04:56:32 UTC
You might want to ask IMC if anyone is working on such an idea. There's a whole crew of very techno-savvy people on LJ who love developing these kind of programs.


Re: Just a quick question m03m June 2 2008, 12:35:33 UTC
Is there a way to mass transition an existing lj blog off this server to one of the sister sites if things decide to get dicey?

I use LJ Sec to repost all of my journal to It doesn't copy tags, comments or specific user pics. But the postings, privacy settings and the posting data transfer well.


queerbychoice June 1 2008, 21:07:35 UTC
"Really, you want openness here for your POV, but all you do is crap all over what we're trying to accomplish."

Agreed, so how about banning cambler?


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insomnia June 2 2008, 23:13:38 UTC
"And now he's on this kick where he's gonna try to convince the rest of the community that "everyone else" agrees with him."

He's convincingly unconvincing.

Parallels nicely with the Clinton campaign!


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m03m June 2 2008, 15:22:16 UTC
After a little research, it's clear you only had your own interests involved.
And pray tell, what would those be?


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