Memo to the new LJAB Member

May 31, 2008 22:10

Earlier today I posted the following message to our newly elected Live Journal Advisory Board member. I have not yet gotten a response back from her, but I am hoping that she may chose to either join our group or at the very least create a forum where we can express our goals and ideas to her for consideration by the board. I will update the group as soon as I have a response and some time to post it.

To legomymalfoy

Since you've won, would it be feasible to ask you to create a place where we can interact with you in a more accessible way? Perhaps a community dedicated to your role as a live journal advisory board member? I was hoping to have a forum where we could bring issues that we wish to have addressed by LJ via our representative.

You may also wish to consider talking to insomnia over at the community ljunited since our group is dedicated to user base oriented goals.
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