Memo to the new LJAB Member

May 31, 2008 22:10

Earlier today I posted the following message to our newly elected Live Journal Advisory Board member. I have not yet gotten a response back from her, but I am hoping that she may chose to either join our group or at the very least create a forum where we can express our goals and ideas to her for consideration by the board. I will update the ( Read more... )

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insomnia June 1 2008, 16:04:20 UTC
I left a message to LMM last week, encouraging them to do an interview in our community to address their POV regarding our platform, to address issues, etc.

No response yet, though.


eruditeviking June 1 2008, 17:30:30 UTC
Responses from her are painfully slow for anyone not on her friends list from what I can tell.

Side Note: A number of our issues were at least partly dealt with by the new policy changes, and I was wondering if you wanted to go over them and make a post regarding those changes and propose the necessary updates to our charter goals.


insomnia June 1 2008, 19:12:36 UTC
I don't think the new changes necessitate changing our goals, as those should be constant.

Judging from the changes, I see some real possibilities that their policy changes might actually lead to further restrictions against users.

They have, for example, indicated that they are actually expanding the definition of what is hate speech. But what if that's not really hate speech, per se, but parody, comedy, etc? What if it's the LJ equivalent of ginger kids? Or what about the example recently of a LJ user in Russia who faces imprisonment for suggesting that corrupt police be publically burned in town squares? Clearly, that's hate speech now too under these new definitions, even though it only focuses against corrupt cops -- criminals, essentially -- and not against any racial, ethnic, religious, or sexual orientation, as any true hate speech legislation would ordinarily be limited by. And again, no limits as to context ( ... )


eruditeviking June 2 2008, 01:51:44 UTC
There was a reason I stated "partly", I see some slippery slope on a few of them, but a few issues were resolved to some satisfaction at least regarding the human breast. It's why I think we should post them up and go over them with more chance of getting some discussion about them here rather than just on the News post where it's to cluttered to follow much.


insomnia June 2 2008, 05:18:09 UTC
Yeah, probably a good idea, at least to open it to discussion.


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