Short intro

May 23, 2008 14:02

I am a candidate for the election. I am posting here because insomnia commented on my nomination post. Frankly I think I would have appreciated that more if that had been before the day the poll started while there was still time for discussion, but let's gloss over that.

I am here to confirm that I have nothing against the principles stated in the userinfo of this community.

Working with the community, for the community.
Honoring the status of every account.
Maintaining the uptime and performance of the site.
Never sending us unsolicited e-mail.

Well sure, who doesn't support these?

Staying advertisement free.

I would love LiveJournal to be advertisement free, but sadly I don't think that is going to happen. In my nomination post I mentioned that I support bringing back Basic accounts and reducing the volume of ads in the public areas of the site. I also support fewer ads for Basic users. But realistically, I think no ads is not something which is ever going to be achieved.

Supporting the Free Software movement.

As it happens I'm pretty much exclusively a Linux user (so don't send me documents in Microsoft formats as it really irritates me).

- We explicitly support free speech for all LiveJournal users

Of course. (See my previous comments regarding the interest-search censoring and post about Nipplegate). I don't support breaking the law, however.

- We believe the privacy of LiveJournal's users should be safeguarded
- We strongly support the rights of fandom in all its forms

Tick, tick. However, I do think that all LiveJournal users should be respected, regardless of whether they happen to belong to a fandom or not.

- We strongly support our fellow LiveJournal Code sites, and view them as an essential part of the greater LiveJournal community

Well yes. I don't support code changes made in secret (as I mentioned in one of the above linked comments), and see no reason why we shouldn't all get along. However, for what it's worth, I do think that actually electing Squeaky to the LiveJournal Advisory Board would create a conflict of interest.

The only other thing I would say is… try my thread-expanding Greasemonkey script! No need to thank me, just vote for me in the election. :-D
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