Time to reach out and win this.

May 23, 2008 13:08

For those who have see the results so far in the election, yes... Jameth has an early lead...but here's the good news. It appears that most of his supporters have voted, and his votes have slowed substantially, while an increasing number of LJers who weren't previously aware of any of the candidates are voting for
rm . As a result, she is starting to eat significantly into Jameth's lead!

Also, as more of the several other skilled, qualified candidates make the personal determiniation that they aren't going to win this thing, we can expect to see them pushing their supporters to back a unity candidate who can win... and that is where
rm excels, with a LOT of votes for second and third choice.

Based on my projections, if we all kick in and help, we can easily win. It will take just one thing...

You. The person who is going to win this thing is you. All of you, and everyone you help to bring on board. All of us.

Today, the most important thing is to make a short, simple post in your journal, telling people about the election, encouraging them to vote for rm, and to let them know about LJ United.

Please take the time to make a post similar to the following in your journal:

Hi everyone. As you might know, I recently joined a new community called
ljunited  that's dedicated to working towards defending and restoring the original promises made to LiveJournal's members, standing up for free speech on LJ, and restoring community participation in the operations of LiveJournal. It's our goal to work together over the long term to build a diverse movement of people with the power to influence the decisions of LJ's management to prevent the kind of problems we have seen so many of LJ's members face over the past few years.

LJUnited overwhelmingly endorsed
rm  , a really great candidate, as their choice for the LJ Advisory Board elections, and she's doing very well, but needs your help. I hope you'll consider voting now and making her either your candidate of choice, or your second choice.

Please take a few seconds to vote, and thanks!

The HTML code you'd need to paste into your LJ window to make this post is as follows:

Hi everyone. As you might know, I recently joinedhttp://www.livejournal.com/community/join.bml?comm=ljunited">joined> a new community called ljunited  that's dedicated to working towards defending and restoring the http://web.archive.org/web/20040401175244/http://www.livejournal.com/site/contract.bml">original promises made to LiveJournal's members, standing up for free speech on LJ, and restoring community participation in the operations of LiveJournal.  It's our goal to work together over the long term to build a diverse movement of people with the power to influence the decisions of LJ's management to prevent the kind of problems we have seen so many of LJ's members face over the past few years.
 LJUnited overwhelmingly endorsed rm , a really great candidate, as their choice for the LJ Advisory Board elections, and she's doing very well, but needs your help. I hope you'll consider http://community.livejournal.com/lj_election_en/25463.html">voting now and making her either your candidate of choice, or your second choice.

Please http://community.livejournal.com/lj_election_en/25463.html">take a few seconds to vote, and thanks!


If all of us make this one simple post, I estimate that we will reach about twenty times as many people as we need to win this election.  That will make a HUGE difference in this race.

So, take a few secs, copy the html code above into your journal, and leave a short comment to encourage to this post encouraging your fellow community members to step up!

All of us, together, can easily win this thing, if all of us work together.

That's what made LJ work so well in the early days. Everyone, working together, proud to kick in when LJ needed our help, generous with their time and ideas, knowing it was run by people who cared about the people of LiveJournal, first and foremost.

That's what I want us to build here. And that's the vision I want to see restored for all of LiveJournal.

I want a big response... a willingness to fight for the future of LJ, and a commitment of a tiny bit of time from ALL of you over the next few days in order to win.  So if you're up to the task, give a shout! And if you *REALLY* want to do even more, leave a comment and I will gladly give you ideas on what you can do, above and beyond.

The tide is turning. Let's win this thing! -


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