A simple way to help!

May 07, 2008 19:11

As adpfromga mentioned today, one of the other candidates has numerous nominations, but no platform that he is running on.

This isn't a threat, so long as as many of us as possible contribute a relatively minor amount to help grow ljunited and expand the base of support for rm 's candidacy.

We need to work our plan... and that plan is to create the strongest, largest, most diverse, most united community possible, with the best candidate, the best platform, the best knowledge, the best ideas, the best strategy, and the best plans for the future.

So far, so good!

But obviously, more needs to be done to make up the difference from where we are right now and where we want to be in the future. And that's not going to be done by me or by rm , because if it's just the two of us working at it, our odds of winning are low.

The person who is going to win this thing is you. All of you, and everyone you help bring on board...

All of us.

To that end, I would like to encourage everyone reading this to make one short comment saying:
"I'd like to help! This is what I'm good at and what I'm willing to do."

It doesn't have to be much. If all of us made a commitment to make a single post to our journals, telling people about LJ United, it would make a huge difference!

Many of you pay $25 a year for LJ... or *WOULD* gladly pay, if their management got their act together. That translates out to a real commitment of your time to this site, as is the time you spend using LJ. How much time are you willing to spend to see to it that LJ doesn't just exist, but thrives? How much time to see that our site doesn't slowly die, at least without a fight?

That's the commitment I'm asking you to make today. A little time from all of us, so that a burden shared becomes a burden lessened.

The skills we we need most right now are:
- graphics design
- web design / community management
- writers willing to work on short promotional texts, emails, etc.
- a paid account 
- the willingness to contact the admins of a few of the major communities by email.

... and commitments from as many of you as possible to make a post similar to the following in your journal:

Hi everyone. I just wanted to take a minute to encourage you to join a new community called ljunited , a community dedicated to working towards defending and restoring the original promises made to LiveJournal's members, standing up for the free speech of LiveJournal's members, restoring LJ's original strong support for Open Source software, and restoring community participation in the successful operations of LiveJournal.

Although ljunited is a brand new community, it has grown rapidly and is building a strong, inclusive, diverse coalition, united in standing up for us.

LJUnited overwhelmingly endorsed rm recently as their candidate for the upcoming LJ Advisory Board elections. I hope you'll consider supporting her nomination. Thanks! 

The HTML code you'd need to paste into your LJ window to make this post is as follows:

Hi everyone. I just wanted to take a minute to encourage you to joinhttp://www.livejournal.com/community/join.bml?comm=ljunited">join> a new community called ljunited , a community dedicated to working towards defending and restoring the original">http://web.archive.org/web/20040401175244/http://www.livejournal.com/site/contract.bml">original promises made to LiveJournal's members, standing up for the free speech of LiveJournal's members, restoring LJ's original strong support for Open Source software, and restoring community participation in the successful operations of LiveJournal.

Although ljunited is a brand new community, it has grown rapidly and is building a strong, inclusive, diverse coalition, united in standing up for us.

LJUnited overwhelmingly endorsed rm recently as their candidate for the upcoming LJ Advisory Board elections. I hope you'll consider supporting">http://community.livejournal.com/lj_election_en/836.html">supporting her nomination. Thanks!


Thanks everyone... Let's get this thing started! - 
** Update: As this is a volunteer-oriented post, all non-volunteer oriented comments will be screened. To simplifiy matters and avoid possible disagreement in ljunited, I would ask that everyone make it a matter of policy with their posts not to specifically address any candidate in this community other than rm or other candidates -- such as squeaky19 -- who choose to join our community because they support what we believe in. If anyone wishes to discuss this, they can do so in this post, which will be used as the sole post in LJ United for these issues. **
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