my first review! wOOt!

Dec 18, 2003 13:29

yay! My first review!! This one is for mercenarytoast.

WRITTEN REVIEW (Should be at least a paragraph...3 to 5 sentences)
1) What are your first impressions of the journal? What did you like? Not like? How do you think things could be improved? Overall what did you think of the journal?
well, I have mixed emotions, in many parts, I really enjoyed his wit and sarcasm, so that was cool. And we have a lot in that was cool too. But as I'm a layout junkie, his journal was cosmetically very boring. Black and grey, and no user icon. Very basic style. And if you like that...hey...kudos to ya. So basically, I liked his sense of humor and honesty, didn't like the style, and sporadic entries, and some entries were extremely boring, which he even admitted, very run of the mill. Overall...mediocre.

User Info (8 points) 2 points each
1. Can you contact the user easily? Do they have email? Messenger services? A website?
no links on the journal itself, but does have email and AIM on his info page, no website...2 points

2. Are interests listed?
131 listed, good variety...2 points

3. Do they have user pictures? Enough, too few?
Has 10... 2 points

Do the pictures reflect the user, are creative, original? Do they keep with the style of the journal?
I must say, several of his pics are quite ghastly...but they are all original for sure, and definitely fit his personality. ;-)...2 points

User Info 8 of 8 points
5-7 Good
2-4 Fair
0-1 Poor

User Info Comments/Suggestions:

Biography (4 points)
Does the biography tell about the user? Is it descriptive, creative, well though out? Are images included within the biography OR is is customized in any special way that makes it stand out (customized fonts, color, links)? Does the biography provoke interest to read the journal?

Biography 1 of 4 points
0-This user does not have a biograpy
Biography comments/ suggestions:
He did make the brief comment, "I have very little to say" so I gave him the 1 instead of 0 for creativity. ;-)

Journal (30 points) 6 points each
1. Do they post frequently? Are there are large gaps between posts? If so, do they give explanations why?
Very sporadic entries in most all months, but a few days did have more than one, but generally they were short. He doesn't give explanations, just generally says he doesn't feel like updating, so at least he's honest...3 points

2. Is the journal overall grammatically correct? Is the spelling, capitalization, punctuation good? Is it easy to read?
Only a few spelling errors, generally is well spoken, was easy to read...6 points

3. Depth of post: Do the post have much substance to them? Do their posts consist of a good length or are they brief? Do the posts make you want to continue reading the journal?
sorry dude...but I didn't feel like there was much substance at all. I mean, he talked a lot about day to day stuff, but never got really in depth. Maybe that's just where he's at right now. The posts varied in consistency, and to be totally honest, I read a whole years worth, and that was work, it was pretty tedious. 3 points

4. Do the post flow well or is it difficult to follow their train of though in journal entries?
2 points, and I say that because the posts were so erratic and about nothing substantial

5. Do the post have overall variety? Do they stay on one subject or write about various things/events? Do they post pictures, links, quizzes or polls, if they do are they hidden behind the lj-cut tags? Does that make up a major part of the journal or is there a balance between those things and written entries? Quizzes links and polls should be kept to a minimum and the lj-cut tages should be used to cover them?
well...again...I hate to be negative, but I didn't think there was much variety, he did write about various things and events in his life, he did post intermittent pics, quizzes, etc, but very rarely used lj-cut tags. In fact, at one point, said to screw the lj-cut But the journal definitely wasn't overloaded with quizzes and such. 5 points

Journal 19 of 30 points
30-Excellent journal. Highly recommended!
22-29 Good journal. Great read. Recommended.
15-21 Fair journal. Good read, could use some changes.
8-14 Below average journal. Needs improvement.
0-7 Poor journal. Immediate improvements highly recommended.

Journal comments/suggestions:

Style (8 points)
Is the journal customized with a color scheme other than the standard lj settings? Are the links customized? Is the design of the journal appealing? Does it go together? Is the journal friends only or public? Are comments enabled? If so can anyone post comments?

Style 4 of 8 points
8- Excellent design/customization
5-7 Good style
2-4 Fair to poor style. Changes recommended.
Style comments/suggestions:
pretty much no style, except in the writing

Total 32 (of 50 points)
45-49 - A - Great Journal! Highly recommended!
40-44 - B - Good journal. Recommended.
35-39 - C - Average journal.
30-34 - D - Below average journal. Needs mild improvement.
0-30 - F - Poor journal. Improvements highly recommended.

LiveJournal Activity Status *****5 stars (*1 star each)
1. Are they a member of any communities?
* Member of 21, posting access in 20

2. Do they post comments to other journals?
* Posted over 1,000 times

3. Do they post close to or equivalent of the amount of comments they receive?
* 90% returned

4. Are they a paid user or show support of lj in other ways (help out in LJ support)?
* paid member

5. Do they have friends listed?
* 77, friend of 65

***** Highly active and supportive member of Livejournal
**** Active and supportive member of Livejournal
*** Moderately active proud member of Livejournal
** Somewhat active member of Livejournal
* Main focus on their journal. Small participation within Livejournal.
0 Does not take advantage of the features Livejournal has to offer

Whew!! I'm done!! WooHoo!
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