All this rejection was starting to make me hungry so I dropped by Con-Suite for a cup of delicious Ramen Noodles, which were free to anyone who had paid for a badge.
I got there to find that the only kinds of Ramen they had available were flavored with the flesh of dead animals (or some kind of synthetic approximation thereof). Yuk! Everyone knows that llamas are herbivores!
I was very BUMMED OUT AND DISAPPOINTED that no one had taken a even a single moment to consider my needs and provide some yummy alfalfa or corn-flavored noodles and I spent a good fifteen minutes letting everyone in the con-suite know how upset I was that there were no vegetarian goodies to be found.
That is, until the guy running the room got tired of all my 'constructive criticism' and THREW ME OUT!
Notice the look of pure glee on the face of the guy showing me the door.
It's a good thing I'm used to living on a diet of nothing more than spite and abject misery.