The Week Four entrants revealed:
firesign10 This week's Xmas-present-themed voting has closed with
imafarmgirl, sadly, in last place. Very sorry to see you go, pal... although as you shall shortly see, it's not necessarily the end of the line!
We're now at a sort of halfway point, with four contestants still in the running and four having been eliminated in previous weeks' votes. As I ever-so-subtly hinted last week, this is as good a time as ever to shake things up... using sestinas. (I'm rather tempted to refer to "sestinae," but this seems a little pretentious, even for me.)
Here's how it's gonna play out:
All eight of the contestants who began the season and who were voted out (as opposed to dropping out) are eligible to participate in Week Five: Revenge of the Sestina.
Each participant in Week Five will write exactly one full six-line stanza of a sestina using words and a theme privately issued to them by yours truly. I will then assemble a sestina or two sestinas out of the results, depending on how many former contestants decide to try their hand at reincarnation.
One current contestant will be eliminated in the next voting round, while one previous contestant will be reinstated. This means we'll have four contestants in Week Six too-- but they won't be precisely the same players remaining at the start of Week Five!
What the heck is a sestina? It's another short-ish, semi-rigid poetic form with very different priorities and structure. There are some good rundowns
here, and/or
here. You'll be taking a week off from counting syllables, and will focus instead on conveying a certain meaning with six "arrival points" in the form of specified words.
Current contestants will be obliged to participate, while the four ex-players that have already been voted out can of course opt in or out (I'll be contacting them privately in case they're not following LJHI any longer). Before I issue the words / themes to use to our four remaining LJHI players, I'm going to try to see how many ex-players will be stepping back in from the shadows. All participants in Week Five: Revenge of the Sestina may look for said information to appear in your LJ inboxes no later than Sunday morning.
The deadline for partial sestina submission will be a little later due to the logistics-- Tuesday at 6pm EST.
Comments on this entry are screened if you're an ex-player and want to tell me that you're in for Week Five, or have any other concerns.
Talk to you all shortly!