kinda overdid it on the work hours

Jul 09, 2018 09:04

So, I've worked 115 hours since July 28. I won't be doing that again any time soon. And I don't think I've ever mentioned it but I have an interesting canary in the coal mine in my head: after my neurological incident in '09, whenever I do too much, get too tired, don't get enough sleep -- my ears buzz louder than they usually do. Either that or I don't have the spoons to ignore it like I usually do.

So, yeah, loud ear buzzing today.

I have the next four days off. Today I get the kids up and showered and off to summer school (done), take Christopher into the clinic for some pre-breakfast blood work for his doctor to review before his physical next week (waiting for him to wake up), go to my pre-surgery appointment at 2pm, and then drive Luke up to Gaylord, about a three hours north, where his friend Dusty with pick him up and take him to Negaunee.

Tomorrow I only have a home visit with Chris' social worker here, right before lunch, and dinner with Ed, my friend/resident at the nursing home.

Wednesday and Thursday I have nothing planned! Well, there's a kid's concert on Wednesday at the library that I'll take Chris to, and I *really* need to get out to the garden and weed.

I have four more work weeks until my surgery on August 6.

Originally posted to Dreamwidth, were there are
comments. Dreamwidth comments

work, surgery, my brain, chris

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