Pre' much back to normal self

Jul 03, 2018 13:50

I'm feeling better. I just worked a ton. I mean really - Thursday 12 hrs, Friday 12 hrs, Saturday 12 hrs, Sunday 12 hrs, and last night the night nurse got into an accident on the way to work so I worked 17 hrs. It was brutal and on top of it I was worried for her - still haven't heard how she is.

This morning, Chris woke up at 4 am and decided to party. Really he was ok, just being a little loud, and he stayed in his room so I just got up, changed his brief and let him sing and dance for about an hour. Then we both went back to sleep.

This morning there was a meeting here of Chris' social worker, his advocate, and myself for his yearly care plan update. It was at 10 am and I woke up suddenly at 9 am, rubbed a washcloth over my face, brushed my hair, and threw on some clothes and spent half an hour cleaning up the living room -- it was pretty awful. But the boys helped (because I made them) and were fairly good about it (because I showed them all the wrappers and apple cores and banana peels and ...) and we got it looking pretty good before the women came for the meeting. It still smelled like dog and cats, but OH WELL.

The meeting went well! Chris is going to be awarded 60 hrs a week of Community Living Services hours, which is what I need. I mean, I'd love to have 84 hours, but 60 will work.

Sam and Kayla have moved back to the UP, and I have so far hired one new aide. I need to hire another one but am having a little trouble finding someone who'll pass the background check. It comes will only being able to pay $12/hr. But I've got a couple on the line, so I'm hopeful.

It's a new day, hey?

Originally posted to Dreamwidth, were there are
comments. Dreamwidth comments

cmh, work, chris

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