life interupts

Mar 06, 2018 14:58

I'm almost done with a project: I've been helping my son Sam and his wife Kayla get a house. At this point in their life, they don't have the credit to buy their own house, so I'm buying it and I'll sell it to them in three or five years. Kayla is currently working as an aide for Chris, and she's going to be putting a regular payment into savings to cover their future down payment. We have a written contract, and I think that it'll all go pretty smooth. Sam and I are very much alike, and have good rapport.

I'm in the middle of another project: the government agency that provides pay to Christopher's aides wants to cut his hours 25%, and have me provide the care for free. So I'm fighting that, with the help of Michigan Protection and Advocacy Services. Which reminds me, I need to call them today, like, now.

I'm beginning another project: I've hired a housekeeper to come in over the next eight weeks and work with me on the house for a deep-spring-cleaning. Mike is almost done leveling the floor (our basement is currently a forest of 4x4s) and then we'll begin the Big Gut -- we're going to gut the whole downstairs, rewire it, add new cabinetry in the kitchen and new flooring throughout. The only thing we're hiring out is putting up the sheetrock and mudding because we both hate that.

Sometime in the middle of all this, I must find time to write. It's really getting to me, these characters pounding the back of my brain. I have the Will Fortin's story to finish, and Nancy has been bugging the CRAP out of me. The wonderful Serene has been inspiring me with her daily writing -- you should check her out on Patreon. I need to my little electric notebooks/mini-computer fixed -- it's perfect for taking to the coffee shop.

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