So, recently I noticed that my Hawaiian umbrella bonsai was.. thinning. I wish you could have seen him before he got sick because he was so beautiful! He was lush and full and most def not sick at all.
For a while I just kind of figured that he was just thinning himself out because he was so full and lush that he couldn't even handle it himself. He was that healthy. I've enclosed pictures of him now... and it's so sad! I love my little tree!
So, basically I have no idea what's wrong with him. I got the tree for Christmas, from someone who supposedly has been doing this forever and the tree was doing SO WELL that it's very sad that he's sick/dying.
If you look at the pictures, it seems that all the new growth is browning and then it's kind of... continuing to brown the rest of the new growth. Soon, I'm only going to be left with just the original part of the tree with no leaves.
All of the leaves are droopy and sad at this point. It's horrible.
So, does my little tree have any hope for survival? I don't want to lose this plant!
What should I do?