Jul 25, 2006 19:14
I've seen three separate requests in just the last few days where someone searched the FAQs for information (yay them!), read the first paragraph that shows up, but failed to see or click the Read More link that actually contained all the info mentioned in the first paragraph (boo!). It happens quite a bit, actually.
I personally do not like the shortened versions of the FAQ at all for just that reason, but I understand that they'll stay that way for various reasons, so that's groovy and fine. But, my suggestion is -- can we make the lj-cut link customized instead of the generic 'read more'?
I don't mean customized individually for each FAQ -- that'd be a pain and not worth it. Just something the same for all of them, like "Click here to learn more" or something. Something with an "do this!" action in it, and a little longer text to catch their attention.