Well here is a quick script I wrote. There are two versions. One for
GreaseMonkey (Firefox) and one for
Trixie (Same idea but IE). So when you come to a "forbidden" or "error" page on the system the script will dynamically draw a forward and backwards button for you on the page
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But here is another version of the script that might work better for you. And I've commented things more so it might be easier for you to hack.
Basically it's an expanding navbar so you can edit your script to add/remove whatever buttons you want. So in this version you would just edit this part:
document.go_friends_handler = function (event) {
var url = 'http://www.livejournal.com/users/wetnun/friends/';
document.location.href = url;
To read like this:
document.go_friends_handler = function (event) {
var url = 'http://www.livejournal.com/users/kunzite1/friends/';
document.location.href = url;
And poof! Instant link to your friends page. And you can add remove any links you want. It should be pretty straight forward.
And I always take suggestions on code. What I make is generally quick hacks for myself (unless I'm getting paid to do something right for someone else). So they often leave room for improvement. :)
to make the username changing a little easier, you could set it to a global variable?
JS is cool with the idea that you can assign function definitions to a variable.
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