Well here is a quick script I wrote. There are two versions. One for
GreaseMonkey (Firefox) and one for
Trixie (Same idea but IE). So when you come to a "forbidden" or "error" page on the system the script will dynamically draw a forward and backwards button for you on the page.
So far I know it will catch at least three of the errors on the site. But I have limited experience with getting lots of errors. So if people find more error messages that it doesn't catch please post the html of the error message so I can add it to the script.
http://wetnun.net/lj/lj_forbidden_nav_buttons.user.js (GreaseMonkey)
http://wetnun.net/lj/lj_forbidden_nav_buttons_IE.user.js (Trixie)
If people have suggestions to make it better let me know. Inspired by
this post. Just trying to make it more obvious that something was actually done. :)