Bah Another Problem

Mar 16, 2008 14:20

Ok I THINK my Final problem is missing  Unicode::CheckUTF8 I tried getting it via CPAN that failed some one had a .deb package a while ago but the link to that is broken..

I want to to also thank EVERYONE that has been helping me inlcuding especially PopFelix

Hopefully this will be the last thing to make it work!

server: installation, server

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mart March 16 2008, 21:34:57 UTC

Sorry I didn't get around to replying to your comment in the earlier discussion. It was sitting in my todo list, but I've had a busy weekend.

Here's another .deb of Unicode-CheckUTF8, since I don't seem to have the old one anymore. Here's how I'm building these:

# apt-get install dh-make-perl devscripts build-essential
# dh-make-perl --cpan Unicode::CheckUTF8
(makes a directory called Unicode-CheckUTF8 in your working directory)
# cd Unicode::CheckUTF8
# sensible-editor debian/control
(correct your name and email address in here, if necessary.)
# debuild -us -uc
(runs all sorts of interesting things)
# cd ..
# ls *.deb

This reciepe should work for most things on CPAN. When editing debian/control it's a good idea to put in any modules that the module depends on, but Unicode-CheckUTF8 1.01 doesn't declare any dependencies so that's not necessary here.


Crap... ravenwleonhart March 17 2008, 02:47:40 UTC
The .deb package wont install I am running Debian 4.0 etch not Ubuntu that package wants Ubunut's perl and Lib6 to install >_< Any way around this?


Re: Crap... mart March 17 2008, 08:44:27 UTC

The build steps work on Debian too. I've posted a version for Debian Etch.


Re: Crap... scenejournal June 11 2008, 14:36:49 UTC
Would you still happen to have this, the Mediafire link is dead, and the module won't install through CPAN :( Thanks!


Re: Crap... mart June 11 2008, 20:28:55 UTC

I'm afraid I no longer have the package I made and I don't have a Debian Etch system around to build it on anymore. However, if you're having trouble following the build steps I posted I'd be happy to help you figure out what's going on if you can post some more information about what happens when you try it.


Re: Crap... scenejournal June 11 2008, 20:35:08 UTC
That's okay, I actually figured out I didn't have gcc installed and once installed it built up nicely.

Thanks :)


Re: Crap... mart June 11 2008, 20:52:15 UTC

Did installing build-essential not install gcc? From the dependency list it looks like it ought to.


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